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Make Room (Chris Jaesnach)

Page 1/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Make Refrain room for the E Sav iour, the A Sav iour is E com ing. Make B room for the E 6 Sav iour, the A Sav iour is E near. Make B room in your A life and your E heart for the B 12 Sav iour, make C m room for A Je sus is E here. B Make C m room for A Je sus is A/B 1, 2 19 here. E A E/G B/F 3 here. E In the E7 key change to G major 4 27 E A E/G B/F E A E/G rit. B/F E Verse 1 E A E B E title Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 2/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 42 A E B A E B 48 C m A E B C m A A/B 1, 2 55 E A E/G B/F 3 E E7 key change to G major 4 63 E A E/G B/F E A E/G rit. B/F E 72 A VERSE 1 E A E A 77 E A E A –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 3/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 83 E A C m B B7 E/B B7 Chorus 90 A VERSE 2 E A E A 95 E A E A 101 E A C m B B7 E/B B7 Chorus 108 Make room for G VERSE 3 hope, make room D for Em joy. Make room for C the love of G the D 115 Lord. Make room for peace C make room for life. G Make room, make D –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 4/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 119 room. keep your Em heart on what C counts, keep your G fo cus on D 123 God; let the Em Spi rit move C in you, make G Je sus your D life, make Em 128 room for the C Lord to come Am in. D D/C D/B D/A Chorus 134 Verse 2 E A E B E 146 A E B A E B –  page 4  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 5/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 152 C m A E B C m A A/B 1, 2 159 E A E/G B/F 3 E E7 key change to G major 4 167 E A E/G B/F E A E/G rit. B/F E 176 A VERSE 1 E A E A 181 E A E A 187 E A C m B B7 E/B B7 Chorus –  page 5  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 6/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 194 A VERSE 2 E A E A 199 E A E A 205 E A C m B B7 E/B B7 Chorus 212 Make room for G VERSE 3 love, the love D of Em the Fa ther, the C love that does G not D 219 count the cost. Love un C re strained, love un G con di tion D 223 al, a ba Em by, a man C ger, a cross. G fo cus on D –  page 6  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 7/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 227 God; let the Em Spi rit move C in you, make G Je sus your D life, make Em 232 room for the C Lord to come Am in. D D/C D/B D/A Chorus 238 Verse 3 E A E B E 250 A E B A E B 256 C m A E B C m A A/B –  page 7  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 8/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 1, 2 263 E A E/G B/F 3 E E7 key change to G major 4 271 E A E/G B/F E A E/G rit. B/F E 280 A VERSE 1 E A E A 285 E A E A 291 E A C m B B7 E/B B7 Chorus 298 A VERSE 2 E A E A –  page 8  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 9/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 303 E A E A 309 E A C m B B7 E/B B7 Chorus 316 midst of the G VERSE 3 clut ter of D life, Em make room for the C Lord to come G in. D 323 Keep your eye on what C mat ters, keep your G mind on the D 327 Word, keep your Em heart on what C counts, keep your G fo cus on D 331 God; let the Em Spi rit move C in you, make G Je sus your D life, make Em 336 room for the C Lord to come Am in. D D/C D/B D/A Chorus –  page 9  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach) Page 10/10 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 342 –  page 10  – My.Hymnary #810 - Make Room (Chris Jaesnach)
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Warning: This transposition has four sharps in the key signature, making it difficult to play.

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