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The Kin-dom of God is the Queerest of Nations (tune of Kremser)

The Kin-dom of God is the queerest of nations
With peasants its leaders, no borders in sight.
There’s kindness and peace at the heart of its creation,
An endless celebration of joy and delight.
The Kin-dom of God is an upside-down kingdom
The first are now last and the last are now first.
The humble exalted, the children bearing wisdom.
The wealthy and the poor have their stations reversed.
The Kin-dom of God is a lot like the leaven
We use in our baking when we add the yeast.
The work of a woman will point us to the heaven
Awaiting the lepers, the lost, and the least.
The Kin-dom of God welcomes all to the table,
No matter your status, your heart will be fed.
Whatever your sadness, the Realm of Love is able.
Whatever your label, partake of the bread.
The Kin-dom of God is our ultimate promise
If we, like the prophet, will open our hearts.
The hour is here and the work is now upon us.
Our lives will be a witness. In wonder we start.
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