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Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 The Verse Dm7 F/G C light light light comes lives grows as in in a our our rain bo heal bow, dies, ing. in in It C(2) Dm7(4) 3 fus spir draws ing ing us us us to with to each co won o lors, der, ther. as in It C(2)/E Am(4) 4 sur vit helps ing ing us us us to of to i wel pas ma come, sion, gine a a a B (2) Dm/A co co co ve ve ve nant nant nant of of of care. joy. peace. The The The G Am G C(2) title The Light Comes as a Rainbow My.Hymnary #835 - The Light Comes as a Rainbow Copyright 2019 Amanda Udis-Kessler Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 6 rain rain rain bow bow bow fills is is ho a a ri pre mo zons, sent, del sur a of C(2) Dm7(4) 7 round gift dif ing to ference us all in with cre re beau a la ty, tion, tion. re a A C/E D/F mind pro part ing mise and us from yet to the to ho ho ge nor ly ther, the to the F(2) Am 9 love bless co that's and lors al not ne ways de ver Dm7 F/G there. stroy. cease. The The C ) ( –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #835 - The Light Comes as a Rainbow Copyright 2019 Amanda Udis-Kessler
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