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Sing the World that God Imagines (suggested tune: Hymn to Joy)

Sing the world that God imagines. Sing of justice, joy, and peace.
Sing of welcome offered freely. Sing of love’s unending feast.
What we sing can call us onward. What we sing can make demands.
As we sing, we live God’s future, heart and soul and mind and hands.
Sing the world that God imagines. Sing of all the hungry fed.
Sing the freeing of the captives. Sing of wine and sing of bread.
What we sing can stir our spirits. What we sing can help us care.
Sing the holy invitation. Sing of wonder everywhere.
Build the world that God imagines. Birth a day of hope restored.
Gather in the lost and lonely. Heal the sick and tend the poor,
Ours the work of co-creation, ours the season to rejoice.
Join in love’s imagination. Take your place and raise your voice.
Score Settings
One column
Two columns
Verse Selection

Songwriter Information