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Holy Dreamer, Joyful Healer

Holy dreamer, joyful healer,
Source and path and sacred call,
Life’s companion, love abounding,
Truth and peace within us all,
As we come to know your welcome,
May we ever sing your praise:
Hearts and minds and souls and bodies
Glad and grateful all our days.
Holy dreamer, joyful healer,
As we build community,
Showing up for one another,
Learning hospitality,
We take up your invitation,
Sharing love in faith and trust.
Now we live into your promise:
Healing can begin with us.
Holy dreamer, joyful healer,
You have taught our hearts to care.
We will be your incarnation,
Seeking justice everywhere,
Standing with the pained and helpless,
Giving comfort, ending fear.
As we live your wondrous vision,
We will know your realm is here.
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One column
Two columns
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