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Where to Begin when Singing of the Lord?

Where to Begin when Singing of the Lord?

Key: C
C Where to be  G7 -gin  C when  F singing of  G7 the  C Lord, 
Am7 Our  B God whose  Em glo  A7 -ry  G stretches  D7 ev’ry  G -where? 
To describe  G7 Him there is no proper word; 
C From nothing  F ness He  C made  F the  C/G Earth  G7 to  C share. 
C Fish of the  G7 sea  C and  F birds high in  G7 the  C air, 
Am7 The  B flowers,  Em trees,  A7 and  G stars, the  D7 moon and  G sun, 
Then man and  G7 woman, placed in Eden there 
C To give care  F to the  C world  F He  C/G had  G7 be  C -gun. 
C This is the  G7 same  C job  F with which we  G7 are  C tasked - 
Am7 The  B planet  Em is  A7 en  G -trusted  D7 to us  G now. 
So let us  G7 do just as the Lord has asked, 
C And seek His  F guidance  C when  F we  C/G won  G7 -der  C how. 
C Remember  G7 that  C He  F formed, with word  G7 and  C hand, 
Am7 B world for  Em which  A7 we  G ought to  D7 have re  G -spect, 
And though our  G7 works are great across each land, 
C God’s uni  F verse still  C awes  F our  C/G in  G7 -tel  C -lect. 
C As stewards  G7 of  C cre  F -ation it  G7 is  C right 
Am7 To  B live in  Em peace  A7 and  G give His  D7 Earth our  G care. 
The same God  G7 who proclaimed, “Let there be light” 
C Still loves the  F world He  C gave  F us  C/G all  G7 to  C share. 
C Where to con  G7 -clude  C when  F singing of  G7 the  C Lord, 
Am7 When  B He and  Em His  A7 love  G never  D7 will con  G -clude? 
To live a  G7 life according to His word 
C Brings blessings  F sown in  C joy  F ful  C/G ser  G7 -vi  C -tude. 

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