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Psalm 124

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 If Verse God were not our E strong est friend, let B 3 Is rael now pro E F claim, If Gm God had not been E F 6 stand ing with the B peo ple he has Cm7 F claimed, When B 9 foes a rose a F B gainst our ranks, they F would have swal lowed Cm 12 us, the E wa ter would come Gm F crash ing down, B 15 on our heads to Gm drown us. Bles sed F B be the name of E title Psalm 124 If God were not our strongest friend My.Hymnary #1078 - Psalm 124 Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 18 Is rael's God who Gm F saved us from their E B grasp. We Gm 21 got a way like E un caged birds, the B fow ler's snare un Cm9 F 24 clasped. Our B on ly help is E God our Lord, whose B F 27 love sus tains our E F life, the Gm One who made all E 30 things that are stays B with us in our Cm9 F strife. B –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #1078 - Psalm 124
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