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Kingdom of Christ Come over the Earth

Kingdom of Christ, come over the earth.
Let all the nations experience rebirth
Let all the peoples in lands far and wide
experience the dwelling of Your Spirit inside.
There is no rock that You cannot move
No heart so hard that You cannot melt
No skin so callous that You cannot touch
No place so cold that Your warmth can't be felt.
Surely with joy You fill every soul
that' s yielded and fit to Your blessed reign
shining with light, deep darkness console
and sweetness and healing emerge from our pain.
Vain would men fight 'gainst Your Holy will
Surely Your purposes You can't but fulfill
Surely Your promises can't but prevail
Surely Your Word will never fail.
The Spirit engenders a beautiful world
in every age Your glory unfurled
in art, in music, in all works of men
Lord Jesus, visit us with such splendor again!
God's kingdom is known by order and love
when earth is marked with the things from above
and the Spirit is active with strokes strong and sure
and men love the lovely and holy and pure!
So come, Holy Spirit and visit, we pray
this poor, tired world so weighed down with dismay
with the glad tale of Christ, let salvation begin
and we'll leave off our tatters and smudges of sin!
And we'll rise to the glories of Heaven above
and be filled with all goodness and mercy and love
and deal a death blow to all of Satan's legions
and establish Christ's kingdom in all of the regions!
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Two columns
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