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May Jesus Reign In America

Jesus we welcome You to be Our King
with all Your heavenly graces to us bring
weary of Satan's usurpation of Your throne
We want to worship You and You alone.
May Jesus reign, May Jesus Reign in America!
In city streets and country field.
Yes high and low, rich and poor in America!
May every soul humbly bow
and every knee and heart yield.
So shall the brutes of city jungles thus be tamed
By university professors innocent consciences no more be maimed.
Judges and lawyers will again true justice seek
and government will protect unborn
lift up the poor and weak.
No more the pagan stray from Jesus call
No more the atheist our dear faith maul.
No more confusion and darkness of mind
Jesus, come and heal and save the sick and blind.
No more the church following the world's ways
No more theologians in a daze
Let your voice ring out with signal loud and clear
that we hold fast to what you hold dear!
And so shall prejudicial hearts no more be hard
No more God's image in us be marred
No more our land's be filled with crime and hate
Lord Jesus, indeed come soon
we on your kingdom wait!
And so the multitudes brought here from far and wide
as one nation in Christ in peace abide
and blessed of Thee to all the world a blessing be
Oh Jesus! come and rule and make us truly free!
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