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He Will Provide

He will provide, He will provide
You can be certain
He won't run and hide
When trials o'er take you
He's sure to be there
He'll never forsake you
but keep you in His care.
How I fear that one day I will be in need
with no money to pay for my family to feed
for a roof o'er our heads
for the clothes on our back
for some many dreads
I'm afraid that we'll lack.
But the Lord has assured us He's all this in mind.
He us good to His people
He is gentle and kind.
He has power over all
He's resolved we'll be fed.
When the heavy rains fall
He's a shield o'er our head.
There's a cloud that hangs over me when I see
an imposing hardship headed toward me.
All the sins of the past start to come to my mind
and I doubt that I ever God's favor will find.
But the Lord has assured us He's come to our aid
with the death of His Son for our sins fully paid
and if He withheld not His Own Son loved so dear
He is sure to provide for our needs free and clear!
What a difference it makes when I'm facing a trial
to know that in it is His hand all the while
to work in me GOOD
to make my faith strong
Yes, He is my strength my shield and my song!
So let everyone praise Him for His goodness to men!
He has shown us His faithfulness time and again.
And when all the trials of this life here are o'er
He will gather us up to His heavenly shore!
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