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Page 1/1 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Now Verse F bow we all in B F wor ship, be C Dm B our Ma ker fore F C Dm C 5 kneel. F This is our God and B F Sav ior, the C Dm B shep herd whom we F C Dm C 10 heed, the F kee per of our Gm Am F G flock. As C peo ple C/E F 1 14 of God's B F pas ture, we C D Gm lis ten to God's F/A B F/C C voice. F title Call to Worship #2 Now Bow We All My.Hymnary #1151 - Call to Worship #2 Now Bow We All Text: David Alexander, 2020, CCO Tune: Es Ist Ein 'Ros, Melchior Vulpius, 1599 Public Domain
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