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Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Our help is Verse in the name of the A Lord who made the Cm/E 4 hea vens and the E B earth, who has shown ev' ry one what is 7 good, these are the things that we all should A /E do. Live by 10 Just ice have mer cy too. With God walk E hum bly in all we title Votum, Sentences & Salutation #6 My.Hymnary #1160 - Votum, Sentences & Salutation #6 Text: David Alexander, 2020 CC BY SA NC 4.0 Tune: J. M. Stillman, 1909, Public Domain Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 13 do. Grace, mer cy, peace be to you from D /A God, and from Lord Fm/A 16 Je sus al ways A men! –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #1160 - Votum, Sentences & Salutation #6 Text: David Alexander, 2020 CC BY SA NC 4.0 Tune: J. M. Stillman, 1909, Public Domain
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Warning: This transposition has four flats in the key signature, making it difficult to play.

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