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Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Mer Mer ci Mer ci ful ci ful God, ful Verse C7 God, We God, We come We come con come con fess con C fess ing fess ing that ing that we that we have we have sinned have 4 sinned a sinned a gain a gain a gain a gainst a gainst You. gainst G You. In You. In thought In thought and thought and deed and F deed and deed and in and in our in our do our G 7 do ing do ing and ing and in and in the in the things the things that things that we've that we've left we've left un left un done. un done. We done. We have We have not have not loved not G/D title Prayer of Confession #5 Merciful God, we Come My.Hymnary #1166 - Prayer of Confession #5 Text: David Alexander, 2020, CCO Tune: PRECIOUS PROMISE, Philip P. Bliss, Public Domain Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 11 loved you, loved you, bo you, bo dy bo dy soul, dy soul, mind soul, D mind strength, mind strength, nor strength, nor loved nor loved our loved our neigh our G neigh bors neigh bors as bors as we as we love we love us. love 14 us. Lord us. Lord in Lord in your in your mer your mer cy, mer cy, come cy, come and come and be and be friend be C7 G friend us. friend us. For us. For give, For give, a give, a mend a C7 G 17 mend us, mend us, show us, show us show us the us the way. the way. way. way. –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #1166 - Prayer of Confession #5 Text: David Alexander, 2020, CCO Tune: PRECIOUS PROMISE, Philip P. Bliss, Public Domain
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