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Page 1/1 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 We We be be lieve lieve though that Verse A E B m A we we'll fall not short per it's ish. G E Cm E /B A /C A to We the will end live we'll e Cm B 4 per ter se nal vere; ly. A /E Cm/E A /E Cm/E G7 C7 Hold For ing God's tight love ly is Fm/A B m7/A E /B D /A A /C to de God's mon Word stra that ted D B m/D D A F/C A 7 God's in own the Son One for who Fm/A C7/B B 7 us set came us down. free. E Fm D Cm title Assurance of Pardon #9 My.Hymnary #1173 - Assurance of Pardon #9 Text: David Alexander, 2020, CCO Tune: CROSS OF JESUS, John Stainer, 1887, Public Domain
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Warning: This transposition has four flats in the key signature, making it difficult to play.

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