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My Victory's Jesus

My Victory's Jesus! He has fulfilled, accomplished
all the requirements for God's wrath be extinguished.
He has fulfilled the law, atoned, and died for all.
His resurrection proves God forgave me and you.
The victory is won! No more fight, the war is done.
Our sins are forgiven, death has no more dominion,
Satan is defeated, his power stripped and bled.
This is the gospel grace of Christ who took our place.
Our sins are forgiven! Our redemption is fulfilled.
He kept the Law perfect, the Father's vengeance now stilled.
He paid the debts accrued, no more work left to do.
Now because he's alive, we're declared justified.
O death, where is your sting? Is it dull and diminished!
Grave, where are your trophies? They all have been relinquished!
Christ has abolished death and brought heavenly rest.
Now because he's alive, it is not death to die.
Satan cannot harm me nor accuse me to the Three!
His power is vanquished, he has no strength over me.
His serpent head is crushed, now lying in the dust.
He gives his defeat cry for Jesus is alive.
Now when death comes my way, this gospel shall be my stay:
My sins are forgiven, death is now a mere pathway,
Satan has been conquered for all time, forever!
Once more then I confess: My Victory's Jesus! Amen.
Tune: OH god my faithful god
Text: 1 Coronthians 15
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Songwriter Information

Thomas Pink