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Lord I come to thee, a sinner

Lord, I come to thee, a sinner
begging for mercy and favor.
I cannot keep your commandments,
I am sinful and imperfect.
Your law demands pure perfection,
yet I reap only damnation.
Even my good works-filthy rags.
No righteousness of mine to brag.
I cannot atone for myself.
It only must come from without.
But Jesus Christ, your Son, came down-
True man yet eternal True God,
to take our place under the Law,
to keep it perfectly for all.
He became our sins and trespass
that we may have his righteousness.
On the cross cried “It's accomplished!”
Your wrath, Lord, has been extinguished.
Delivered he was for our sins
and raised to prove we're forgiven!
Faith clings to Jesus Christ's merits
and the forgiveness inherits.
Faith does not ignite, move, or cause;
but receives what Christ won for all.
Like Abraham before Christ came
trusted in him and had the same.
Faith placed in the works of Jesus
is credited as righteousness.
Faith receives the Grace he decreed
even before eternity. Amen.
Tune: We all believe in one true god
Text: Romans 4
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Songwriter Information

Thomas Pink