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Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 When Ev Mor If you're en tal it's used to flesh a to the can re Verse E B /D B mon poor not ward ey the be you're buy door saved; seek ing is it's ing, A /C A A /C E an not by see y a God's what's F7/C 4 thing sim grace all you ple you a B want tit en round to for ter you have, tat. in. now. Cm7/E F B you Don't Ev In be sup en God's gin pose those king to it's who dom A /C E B /D title Through the Needle's Eye Mark 10:23-31 My.Hymnary #1244 - Through the Needle's Eye Text: (c) David Alexander, 2024 Tune: MERTON, William Henry Monk, 1850. Public Domain Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview. Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 1 7 think a leave who God's trans it gets king ac all what dom tion ac is A /C E B Cm is or quire up an ex no side oth change mer down, er for it turned Fm/A Edim/G Fm E /G thing what points 'round like you to and that. have. win. 'round. Fm7/A B E –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #1244 - Through the Needle's Eye Text: (c) David Alexander, 2024 Tune: MERTON, William Henry Monk, 1850. Public Domain Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview.
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Warning: This transposition has several high notes in it, making it difficult to sing.

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