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Page 1/1 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Two So Anx So, Verse D mas wor i seek ters, ry e God's there;s not ty king no a won't dom D/G way bout stretch while to your your you serve, life: days, may. lest what nor God's G m D 5 hat you co right ing will ver eous one eat you ness the or with your oth drink clothes pur er or or pose love. wear. praise. make. Treat The The The one birds fields things as a and you gold bove flow'rs need, the don't that God's A/D 9 oth sow spread love er or a will mud. reap, broad give. You but are For Gmaj7 can God beau get not in ti to serve hea ful mor both ven be row. G wealth gives cause Go, and them of now, God. feed. God. live! title Two Masters Matthew 6:24-34 My.Hymnary #1249 - Two Masters Text: David Alexander, 2008, CC BY SA NC 4.0 Tune: SOLOTHURN, Swiss Traditional, 1781, Public Domain
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