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Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse He's Like Like As If Poured borne sheep lambs sin dy out our we to ner ing for in have the in means trans Gm Gm/B Gm Gm/B Gm Fm firm strayed; slaugh terred, ri gress i we ter with sing ors ties have or the for and B B /D B B /D B carr turned sheep rich lat bear ied our be in er ing our own ing the re their G B G C/B F/A 6 woes. ways. sheared, tomb; ward, pain, We The re of let's his B C/G count Lord gard vi skip bo ed laid ed o the dy him OUR in lence death and B G B C7 B strick bur si blame part heart en den lence less, and were aff on his yet the both B /F B B /F B C/B lict him death sent things bro ed in as to that ken by our it his are by D/A Gm/B D/A C/B B title He Carried Our Sickness Isaiah 53: 4-12 My.Hymnary #1251 - He Carried Our Sickness Text: (c) David Alexander, 2024 Tune: NORMANDY (BASQUE), Public Domain Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview. Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 10 God. place. neared. doom. hard. strain. But O Per If A Yet B /F B G it press ver this por while was ion sion is tion he for aff of the of was E G E G/D Gm C us lict jus will great suff that ion tice of ness, er his and had the di ing, G Gm wounds pain led Lord, vis near were sought him count ion ing re him a me of his D/A B B /F B /F C/B 14 ceived. out. way. out. spoil, death, His In His I'd can he B /F stripes si fu ra not prayed make lence ture ther com for us he was have pen the B C7 G F whole suff can Je sate ones and ered, celled; sus for who through made cut than this had E G/D D bruis na off what ar tak es ry on it's du en we're a that a ous his A C/G A C/G 18 healed. sound. day. bout. toil. breath. B F E /F Cm –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #1251 - He Carried Our Sickness Text: (c) David Alexander, 2024 Tune: NORMANDY (BASQUE), Public Domain Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview.
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