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Page 1/1 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Like But My Verse Tempo : 0 thirs now rock ty my has deer soul's not I'm cast for 4 4 here, down. got long There's ten, ing no so 4 for light I've you in no O side need my my to 4 4 God. life. mourn. 5 My Deep Though 0 tears wa en have ter e been roars mies my in as 4 food ri sail day vers. me and There's from night thun ma for der lice all from and too on with long. high. scorn. 10 Re I My call drown Lord ing in is bet sound al ter of ways 0 days tor pre when rents, sent, I in has marched waves been with that since in seethe I the with was 4 4 throng, strife, born. 15 a but My rau I hope cous will is glad trust in pro stead the cess fast One ion ly who, of God's with bless love mer ed by cy sing day greets ing and each songs. night. morn. title Like a Thirsty Deer Psalm 42 My.Hymnary #1293 - Like a Thirsty Deer Text: David Alexander, 2024 Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview.
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Warning: This transposition has several high notes in it, making it difficult to sing.

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