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Genesis 15:1-6 Seeing and Believing

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 When Then He The Verse A A placed num bram bram the ber heard spoke de of God up fi these in in cien stands a con cy for vi fu right chil sion sion, at dren one for the un night, he door born, 6 the saw of whose word no God, an brought thing whom ces him of he tor com chil blamed you're fort, dren for sure not a ne to fright. bout. glect. be." 10 Pro Such Who So tec pro called A tion per him bram for ty out is now as side known and he and as some had said, our great come "Look fa ness to at ther to po the in come, ssess stars. faith, title Genesis 15:1-6 Seeing and Believing Second Sunday in Lent, Year C My.Hymnary #1327 - Genesis 15:1-6 Seeing and Believing Text: David Alexander, 2022 CC BY SA NC 4.0 Tune: DAVIS, Freeman Lewis, 1813 Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 15 were would Now, whose pro pass care right mised, to ful eous though a ly ness still slave count came out in and through of his in be sight. house. spect. lief. –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #1327 - Genesis 15:1-6 Seeing and Believing Text: David Alexander, 2022 CC BY SA NC 4.0 Tune: DAVIS, Freeman Lewis, 1813
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Warning: This transposition has five flats in the key signature, making it difficult to play.

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