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Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 I Each Your Verse F will gen might ex er y tol a acts you, tion and O to glo my the rious God, next deeds C7 4 and shall we praise tes shall you, ti with O mo awe my ny con F B King; bear, fess. F 7 yes, and Your ev to good ery your ness day praise, we and from will C Dm ev age cel er to e more age, brate B C title I Will Extol Thee, O My God PSALM 145 My.Hymnary #454 - I Will Extol Thee, O My God Words: Psalter, 1912, alt., P.D. Music (GERARD/NOEL D): English; adapt. Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874, P.D. Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 10 your your and prais won sing es drous your I acts right will de eous Dm F/C C7 sing. clare. ness. F 13 Great Up Most is on gra the your cious LORD, glo and our rious com A might maj pas y es sion God, ty ate Dm 16 and and is great hon God, ly or who to I reigns be will a C/G G7 praised; dwell, bove; C –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #454 - I Will Extol Thee, O My God Words: Psalter, 1912, alt., P.D. Music (GERARD/NOEL D): English; adapt. Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874, P.D. Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 19 his and his great all wrath ness your is is grand ev un and er Am D search glo slow a rious to ble, works rise, Gm C 22 a and un bove great bound all ness ed glo I is ry will his F F/C C7 raised. tell. love. F –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #454 - I Will Extol Thee, O My God Words: Psalter, 1912, alt., P.D. Music (GERARD/NOEL D): English; adapt. Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874, P.D.
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First Line:
I will extol Thee, O my God, And praise Thee, O my King
I Will Extol Thee, O My God
Meter: D
Public Domain

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NOEL (Sullivan)
Arthur Sullivan (1874)
Public Domain