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O Give The Lord Whole-hearted Praise

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 O His God's God's His By In give saints won prom works God’s re the de drous ise are own verence Verse A LORD light deeds shall true hand and whole to of for and re in A/C heart search faith ev just demp god ed and ful er in tion ly E praise. trace ness stand; deed; came; fear F m 5 To his his he his his we him might peo cares pre co find thanks y ple for cepts venant the B7 giv works ev those are sure key ing and er who for no to E I won keep trust ev change wis will drous in his er can dom’s B7 bring; ways. mind. word. sure. know. ways; E title O Give The Lord Whole-hearted Praise PSALM 111 My.Hymnary #496 - O Give The Lord Whole-hearted Praise Words: Psalter, 1912, alt., P.D. Music (GERMANY W. Gardiner’s Sacred Melodies, 1815, P.D. Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 9 with Ma His Up In Let the all jes works on truth all wise his tic of his and re his A peo glo love saints right vere ho ple ry, and his eous his ly D7 I bound gra might ness ho name will less cious y de ly re A raise grace, ness hand creed, name vere. Bm/D 14 my and re the they in Through voice right veal wealth shall heaven end and eous that of for a less E of ness God na ev bove a his his the tions er and ges D/F glo work LORD has more earth sound ry dis is con en be his E7 sing. plays. kind. ferred. dure. low. praise! A –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #496 - O Give The Lord Whole-hearted Praise Words: Psalter, 1912, alt., P.D. Music (GERMANY W. Gardiner’s Sacred Melodies, 1815, P.D.
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O give the Lord wholehearted praise
O Give The Lord Wholehearted Praise
Public Domain

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GERMANY (Gardiner)
William Gardiner
Ludwig van Beethoven
Public Domain