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Living for Jesus

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Liv Liv Liv Liv ing ing ing ing for for for for Verse F B /F F Je Je Je Je sus sus sus sus a who wher through C F7 life died ev earth's that in er lit is my I tle B B m6 true, place, am, while, F 5 striv bear do my ing ing ing dear to on each est C6 C7 C6 please Cal du trea him vary ty sure, in my in the Fsus4 F Fmaj7 all sin his light that and ho of I dis ly his G G9 Gaug do, grace, name, smile, C 9 yield such will seek ing love ing ing al con to the F B /F F le strains suf lost giance, me fer ones glad- to af he C F7 heart an flic died ed swer tion to and his or re B Em7 5/B free, call, loss, deem, A title Living for Jesus My.Hymnary #508 - Living for Jesus WORDS: T. O.Chisolm MUSIC (LIVING FOR JESUS 10 10.10 10 with Refrain): C. Harold Lowden Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 13 this fol deem bring is low ing ing the his each the Gm/B E/B path lead tri wea way ing al ry of and a to F/C F/A B 6 bles give part find sing him of rest for my my in F/C C6 C7 me. all. cross. him. F 17 O Refrain F Je sus, Lord and F C7/B Sa vior, I F F Gm give my self to Gm D D7 thee; Gm 22 for thou, in thy a C7 tone ment, didst B /F F give thy self for G9 me; C7 27 I own no oth er F C7/B mas ter, my F F heart shall be thy F7 throne, B –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #508 - Living for Jesus WORDS: T. O.Chisolm MUSIC (LIVING FOR JESUS 10 10.10 10 with Refrain): C. Harold Lowden Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 32 my life I give, hence B B m6 forth to live, O F/C D D7 Christ, for thee a G7 B /C C7 lone. F –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #508 - Living for Jesus WORDS: T. O.Chisolm MUSIC (LIVING FOR JESUS 10 10.10 10 with Refrain): C. Harold Lowden
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Warning: This transposition has several high notes in it, making it difficult to sing.

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First Line:
Living for Jesus a life that is true
Living for Jesus
Thomas O. Chisholm (1917)
Meter: with refrain
Refrain First Line:
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee
Publication Date:
Spanish translation: See "Vivo por Cristo, confiando en su amor" by George Paul Simmonds
Public Domain

Tune Information

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[Living for Jesus a life that is true] (Lowden)
C. Harold Lowden (1915)
Meter: with refrain
Public Domain