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Jehovah Is My Light

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 O My When Up Verse LORD, one trou lift you re bles ed are quest round on my has me a F Csus4 C light been swell, rock F 4 and and when a my still fears bove sal this and my va prayer dan foes tion I gers a B F/C C7 near: raise; throng, round, F 7 then that se a who I cure mid will may ly the cause live I bat me with will tle F Csus4 C fright in dwell shock F title Jehovah Is My Light PSALM 27 My.Hymnary #584 - Jehovah Is My Light Words: st. 1 Psalter, 1887; st. 2-4 Psalter, 1912; alt., P.D. Music (RHOSYMEDRE with repeat): John D. Edwards, ca. 1840, P.D. Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 10 or God’s in my fill house his song my for pa shall heart all vil still with my ion re B F/C C7 fear? days. strong. sound. F 13 While God’s With Then God glo in joy my rious the ful strength, beau shel of my ty ter ferings F life to of I sus ad God’s will B F tains, mire, tent bring; C 17 se and he the F/A cure in hides LORD from his me God’s fear tem till praise my ple the my B /D C/B F/A soul to storm heart re in is shall mains, quire, spent, sing, C7/G C –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #584 - Jehovah Is My Light Words: st. 1 Psalter, 1887; st. 2-4 Psalter, 1912; alt., P.D. Music (RHOSYMEDRE with repeat): John D. Edwards, ca. 1840, P.D. Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 20 se and he the cure in hides LORD from his me God’s fear tem till praise my ple the my F/A B soul to storm heart re in is shall F/C C7 mains. quire. spent. sing. F –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #584 - Jehovah Is My Light Words: st. 1 Psalter, 1887; st. 2-4 Psalter, 1912; alt., P.D. Music (RHOSYMEDRE with repeat): John D. Edwards, ca. 1840, P.D.
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First Line:
Jehovah is my light, And my salvation near
Jehovah Is My Light
St. 1:
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John David Edwards (1840)
Public Domain