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O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 O Good His We High come, is love fade in my the is and the Verse B soul, Lord like die heav'ns bless and a like his thou full fa flow'rs throne the of ther's that is Lord kind to grow fixed thy com his in for F7 Mak pas chil beau e er, sion, dren, ty, ver, Gm 5 and most ten like his all slow der ten king with to and der dom E in an kind grass rules me ger, to that o'er B bless plen all soon all his te who will from ho ous fear dis pole ly in his ap to F7 name; love; name; pear; pole; B 9 bless rich for but bless thou is well ev ye the his he er the Cm/B Lord, grace knows more Lord for to our the through B get all weak love all not that ness of his all hum and God wide his bly our is do D mer seek frail change mi cies, him, ty, less, nion, D7 Gm title O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker PSALM 103 My.Hymnary #585 - O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker Words: Psalter, 1912, alt., P.D. Music (TIDINGS refrain 5.4.11): James Welch, 1875, P.D. Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 13 his bound he still bless pard'n less knows shown his ing and that to most C7 grace end we those ho and less are who ly F/A Dm sav as dust, look name, ing the he to O love heav'ns knows him thou pro a our in my B maj7 F/C C claim. bove. frame. fear. soul. F 17 Praise him, you Refrain F7 an gels, B 19 won drous in F7 might; B B 7 21 praise him, you G7 ser vants who Cm E in his will de B /F F7 light. B –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #585 - O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker Words: Psalter, 1912, alt., P.D. Music (TIDINGS refrain 5.4.11): James Welch, 1875, P.D.
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First Line:
O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker
O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker
Meter: with refrain
Refrain First Line:
Bless him, ye angels, wondrous in might
Public Domain

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James Walch (1875)
Public Domain