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Thou hidden Love of God, whose height

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Thou ’Tis Is O Each Verse hid mer there Love, mo den cy a thy ment love all thing sov draw of that be ereign from God, thou neath aid earth whose hast the im a height, brought sun part way 4 whose my that to my depth mind strives save heart un to with me that fath seek thee from low omed its my low- ly no peace heart thought waits one in to ed thy knows, thee; share? care; call; 7 I yet Ah, chase speak see while tear this to from I it self- my far seek, thence will in thy but and from most beau find reign all soul teous thee a my and light, not, lone, heart, say, title Thou hidden Love of God, whose height My.Hymnary #589 - Thou hidden Love of God, whose height WORDS: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729; trans. by John Wesley, 1736 (Gal. 2:20) MUSIC (VATER UNSER 88.88.88): Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. from J.S. Bach, 1726 Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 10 and no the from “I in peace Lord all am ly my of its thy sigh wan ev hid love, for dering ery den thy thy soul mo maz God, re shall tion es thy pose; see. there; there; all!” 13 my O then make To heart when shall me feel is shall my thy thy pained, all heart du power, nor my from teous to can wan earth child hear it derings be that thy be end, free, I voice, 16 at and when cease to rest, all it less taste till my hath may thy it steps found “Ab love, finds to re ba, be rest thee- pose Fa all in ward in ther” my thee. tend? thee. cry. choice. –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #589 - Thou hidden Love of God, whose height WORDS: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729; trans. by John Wesley, 1736 (Gal. 2:20) MUSIC (VATER UNSER 88.88.88): Geistliche Lieder, 1539; harm. from J.S. Bach, 1726
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First Line:
Thou hidden love of God, Whose height
Christ in You, the Hope of Glory
German Title:
Verborgne Gottesliebe, Du
Author (Latin):
Gerhard Tersteegen (1729)
John Wesley (1738)
Author (German):
Paul Gerhardt
Public Domain

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Public Domain