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The Heavens Declare Thy Glory

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 The The All Verse C heav'ns sun heav'n de with on clare roy high thy al re glo splen joic ry, dor es G7 4 the goes to fir forth do ma to its ment chant Ma thy thy ker's C pow'r; praise, will, G7 7 day and the un moon stars to beams with day soft sol the and emn C sto ten voic ry der es Dm7/F title The Heavens Declare Thy Glory PSALM 19 My.Hymnary #631 - The Heavens Declare Thy Glory Words: Thomas R. Birks, 1874, alt., P.D. Music (FAITHFUL D): Johann S. Bach (1685-1750); adapt. from My Heart Ever Faithful, Cantata 68, P.D. Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 10 re their re peats gen sound from tler thy hour an prai to them ses G G7 hour; raise; still; C 13 night o'er so un ev let to ery my night tribe whole re and be ply na hav ing, tion ior, G7 16 pro the thoughts, claims mu words, C in sic and ev strange ac 'ry is tions land, poured, be, G7 –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #631 - The Heavens Declare Thy Glory Words: Thomas R. Birks, 1874, alt., P.D. Music (FAITHFUL D): Johann S. Bach (1685-1750); adapt. from My Heart Ever Faithful, Cantata 68, P.D. Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 20 O the O Lord, song Lord, with of my voice all Strength, un cre my C C7 dy a Sa ing, tion vior, F Dm 23 the to one won thee, cease ders cre less of a song thy tion's to C/G G G7 hand. Lord. thee. C –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #631 - The Heavens Declare Thy Glory Words: Thomas R. Birks, 1874, alt., P.D. Music (FAITHFUL D): Johann S. Bach (1685-1750); adapt. from My Heart Ever Faithful, Cantata 68, P.D.
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First Line:
The heavens declare Thy glory, The firmament Thy power
The Heavens Declare Thy Glory
T. R. Birks (1874)
Meter: D
Public Domain

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Johann Sebastian Bach
Meter: D
Public Domain