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Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Lord, Pas Life- Though en chal im the Verse throned Lamb, part low in your ing li est heav’n of heav’n form ly f’ring, ly now splen fin man veil dor, ished na, you 4 first- once strick as be for en of got all rock old ten when with in from you stream Beth the were ing le dead, slain, side, hem, 7 you in heav’n here a its and as lone, full earth there our ness with your strong un loud an de di ho gels fend min san hail er, ished na you, title Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor My.Hymnary #270 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor Words: George Hugh Bourne (1840-1925), alt. Music (BRYN CALFARIA 87. 87. 12 77): melody William Owen (1813-1893); harm. Christian Hymns, 1977 Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 10 lift shall wor branch ing for ship and up ev you, flow’r your er the of peo more Lamb Jes ple’s re who se’s head. main, died, stem. 13 Al Al Al Al le le le le lu lu lu lu ia, ia, ia, ia, al al al al le le le le lu lu lu lu ia, ia, ia, ia, al al al al le le le le lu lu lu lu ia! ia! ia! ia! 18 Je cleans ris’n, We sus, ing as in true souls cend wor and from ed, ship liv ev glo join ing ’ry ri with bread! stain; fied; them; –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #270 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor Words: George Hugh Bourne (1840-1925), alt. Music (BRYN CALFARIA 87. 87. 12 77): melody William Owen (1813-1893); harm. Christian Hymns, 1977 Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 20 Je cleans ris’n, we sus, ing as in true souls cend wor and from ed, ship liv ev glo join ing ’ry ri with bread! stain. fied! them. –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #270 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor Words: George Hugh Bourne (1840-1925), alt. Music (BRYN CALFARIA 87. 87. 12 77): melody William Owen (1813-1893); harm. Christian Hymns, 1977
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Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor
Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor
George Hugh Bourne (1874)
Public Domain
Liturgical Use:
Communion Songs

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William Owen (1852)
Public Domain