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Shout, For The Blessed Jesus Reigns

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Shout, He Gen Oh, Loud for calls tiles may hal the his and his le Verse C bless cho Jews ho lu ed sen his ly jahs Je from laws church to sus a o in the F G/D reigns; far; bey. crease, Lamb C 5 through they All his from dis all lands Word all tant at and and be lands Zi na Spir low his on's tions it and F C tri gates of still all umphs ar ferings pre a G/D C spread. rive. bring vail, bove! G 10 And Those and, while In sin who un an loft ners were con gels y D freed dead strained, cel songs from in their e ex G end sin hom brate alt less be age his his C D pains, fore pay praise name, G title Shout, For The Blessed Jesus Reigns My.Hymnary #421 - Shout, For The Blessed Jesus Reigns Words: Benjamin Beddome, 1769, P.D. Music (TRURO T. Williams’ Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789, P.D. Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 15 own by to and in G7 him sov their saints songs their ereign ex his as C Sav grace al grow last ior are ted ing ing Dm and made God glo as their a and ries his C/G G7 Head. live. King. hail. love. C –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #421 - Shout, For The Blessed Jesus Reigns Words: Benjamin Beddome, 1769, P.D. Music (TRURO T. Williams’ Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789, P.D.
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TRURO (Williams)
Thomas Williams, of Clerkenwell Green (1789); Charles Burney
Public Domain