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One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism #441

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Wound Dy Ris Com ed ing en ing for for for for Verse D me, me, me, me, G wound dy ris com ed ing en ing for for for for A me, me, me, me, D 5 Wound Dy Ris Com ed ing en ing for for for for me, me, me, me, He He He He was was is is B m wound dy ris com ed ing en ing for for for for A /E me. me. me. me. A 9 Gone Gone Gone Then my my my with trans trans trans what D gres gres gres joy sions sions sions His and and and dear now now now face I I I I am am am shall E m/G free, free, free, see; E m title Wounded For Me My.Hymnary #799 - One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism #441 Text: St. 1, W. G. Ovens, 1870-1945; sts. 2-4, Gladys W. Roberts, 1888-1968 Tune: WOUNDED FOR ME, 8 10 10 10; W. G. Ovens, 1870-1945 Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 13 All All All Oh, be be be how cause cause cause I Je Je Je praise sus sus sus Him, was was is He's D /F wound dy ris com ed ing en ing for for for for E m/G me. me. me. me. D –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #799 - One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism #441 Text: St. 1, W. G. Ovens, 1870-1945; sts. 2-4, Gladys W. Roberts, 1888-1968 Tune: WOUNDED FOR ME, 8 10 10 10; W. G. Ovens, 1870-1945
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Warning: This transposition has five flats in the key signature, making it difficult to play.

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First Line:
Wounded for me, wounded for me
Wounded for Me
Author (st. 1):
W. G. Ovens, 1870-1945
Author (st. 2-4):
Gladys W. Roberts, 1888-1988
Publication Date:

Tune Information

View on Hymnary
W. G. Ovens, 1870-1945