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Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 When Where Can Do Tell the were you the me, Lord YOU call li mor re when forth ons tal, Verse Fm F Fm F B Cm plied earth rain look stand to be from to and Job, gan? sky, YOU speak. C C7 Fm F C7 ask Was send when Now's ing it forth they the what YOU light crouch time. he who ning and Don't Fm F C7 C 4 claimed took low roar wait to its and for a know, span? high? food? week. F C/D Dm G Cm the Did Is E Trust com you your ven that mand do mind ra your was, a a vens com B /F F Am7 C7 Dm7/C F/A B "Come, bless thing seek plaints O ed you ing are man, thing, made? prey heard, F C/G F F title Ev'ry Syllable and Word   Job 38:1-7 My.Hymnary #1247 - Ev'ry Syllable and Word Text: (c) David Alexander, 2024 Tune: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Henry J. Gauntlett, 1852, Public Domain Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview. Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 7 tell with Have know ev me the you from ry what stars wis whom syll you and dom it a C7 A/D F D Cm B /F F un an that comes ble der gels won't their and stand." sing? fade? way. word. C7 G7 F –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #1247 - Ev'ry Syllable and Word Text: (c) David Alexander, 2024 Tune: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Henry J. Gauntlett, 1852, Public Domain Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview.
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