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We would see Jesus, lo, his star is shining

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 We We We We We would would would would would see see see see see Verse Je Je Je Je Je sus; sus, sus, sus, sus, lo! Ma on in in his ry’s the his the star son moun work ear is most tain of ly shin ho teach heal morn ing ly, ing, ing, ing, 5 a light with at still bove of all ev as the the the en of sta vil lis tide old ble lage tening be he while life peo fore call the from ple the eth, an day gath sun “Fol gels to ered was low sing; day; round; set; me!” 9 there shin while di Let in ing birds vine us a re and and a man vealed flowers hu rise, ger through and man, all on ev sky in mean the ery a his er hay task bove deep ser re most are re vice clin low preach veal scorn ing; ly, ing ing ing; title We would see Jesus, lo, his star is shining My.Hymnary #555 - We would see Jesus, lo, his star is shining WORDS: J. Edgar Park, 1913 MUSIC (CUSHMAN 11 10.11 10): Herbert B. Turner, 1907 Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 13 haste, the the of Lord, let Christ bless God we us of ed made are lay God, ness flesh, thine, our the which in we gifts life, sim lov give be the ple ing our fore truth, trust ser selves the the has vice to King. way. found. met. thee. –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #555 - We would see Jesus, lo, his star is shining WORDS: J. Edgar Park, 1913 MUSIC (CUSHMAN 11 10.11 10): Herbert B. Turner, 1907
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First Line:
We would see Jesus, lo, His star is shining
We Would See Jesus
John Edgar Park (1913)
Place of Origin:
Publication Date:
Public Domain

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CUSHMAN (Turner)
Herbert Barclay Turner (1907)
Public Domain