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Of the Father's Love begotten

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Of O This O Christ, the that is ye to Fa birth he heights thee, ther's for whom of with love e heav'n- heav'n, God be ver taught a the got bless sing dore Fa ten ed, ers him; ther, Verse 2 ere when sang an and, the the of gel O worlds Vir old hosts, Ho be gin, with his ly gan full one prai Ghost, to of ac ses to be, grace, cord, sing; thee, 3 he by whom all hymn, is the the do and Al Ho Scrip min chant, pha ly tures ions, and and Ghost of bow high O con the be thanks me ceiv proph fore giv ga, ing, ets him, ing, title Of the Father's Love begotten My.Hymnary #174 - Of the Father's Love begotten WORDS: Marcus Aurelius C. Prudentius, 4th C.; tr. Johm M. Neale, 1854, and Henry W. Baker, 1859, alt. MUSIC (DIVINUM MYSTERIUM Plainsong, c. 13th C.; arr. based on C. Winfred Douglas, 1916 Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 4 he bore pro and and the the mised ex un Source, Sa in tol wea the vior their our ried End of faith God prai ing our ful and ses he, race; word; King; be, 5 of and now let ho the the he no nor, things babe, shines, tongue glo that the the on ry, are, world's long- earth and that Re ex be do have deem pect si mi been, er, ed; lent, nion, 6 and first let ev and that re cre 'ry e fu vealed a voice ter ture his tion in nal years sa praise con vic shall cred its cert to see, face, Lord, ring, ry, –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #174 - Of the Father's Love begotten WORDS: Marcus Aurelius C. Prudentius, 4th C.; tr. Johm M. Neale, 1854, and Henry W. Baker, 1859, alt. MUSIC (DIVINUM MYSTERIUM Plainsong, c. 13th C.; arr. based on C. Winfred Douglas, 1916 Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 7 ev ev ev ev ev er er er er er more more more more more and and and and and ev ev ev ev ev er er er er er more! more! more! more! more! –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #174 - Of the Father's Love begotten WORDS: Marcus Aurelius C. Prudentius, 4th C.; tr. Johm M. Neale, 1854, and Henry W. Baker, 1859, alt. MUSIC (DIVINUM MYSTERIUM Plainsong, c. 13th C.; arr. based on C. Winfred Douglas, 1916
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First Line:
Of the Father's love begotten, ere the worlds began to be
Of the Father's Love Begotten
Latin Title:
Corde natus ex parentis
Aurelius Clemens Prudentius
J. M. Neale; H. W. Baker
Place of Origin:
Public Domain

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Public Domain